Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 11

Check our route today: Click for route
and our progress so far: Custom Map

:( youtube is down right now hmmm... I'll use Vimeo (lots of people are these days)

Day 11 of Biking across the USA from Max and Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Mark and Max -

You guys rock! What an amazing, and gruesome, journey. I'm both envious and thinking to myself "glad I'm sitting on a cozy chair and not wincing at the same time" :-) The format of your travel log is really nice, you guys are doing a great job with it.

I’ll toast a homebrew to y‘all tonight.

Brew On!
John (Ferens)

P.S. Donna wants to know - has your vocabulary changed for hills, road kill, and flat tires?

Joe Jasek said...

It's like you're doing The Oregon Trail in reverse. Watch out for dysentery. and buffalo.